STEP 1: Based on S-E-T data, enter descriptors or functions needed by the student across the shaded top row  - 1 descriptor per column

STEP 2: Enter promising tools in the shaded left  column - 1 tool per row

STEP 3: For each tool, note matches with descriptors and functions to help guide discussion of devices and services




 Building friendships

Joining in groups

Choosing meals

Developing language




Limited to those who understand signing

Difficult to interrupt conversation, limited to those who understand signing

Signing could improve and mum could learn signing. Dependent on signing understanding

Short-term as signing can not extend to a large vocabulary due to physical difficulties

E-Tran Frame

Limited to those who can use e-Tran

As above

Mum could learn the E-Tran. Dependent on mum.

Short-term as e-Tran can not extend to a large vocabulary due to device limitations.

Eyegaze AAC

Independent, long term

Independent, long term

Independent, long term

Independent, long term – if support is provided to support vocabulary growth.

Switch Access AAC

As above

Typically slower than eygaze – would be difficult to keep up in groups

As above

As Above

Last modified: Monday, 26 August 2019, 7:26 PM