Voting on symbols

It has become clear when working with AAC pictographic symbols in several countries, that some freely available symbol sets may not suit all users or have localisation options.
Discussions around this subject have resulted in the development of an online voting system for the acceptance of locally developed symbols that can be used alongside already available symbols sets.
A symbol voting system that has a simple ‘flashcard’ interface (that can be activated via touch screen, mouse, keyboard or switch access) has been developed to provide access to newly developed symbol batches. There are four voting criteria each with a 1-5 Likert scale; participants log in to cast their votes and make comments. Individual symbol scores and comments are collected to help teams improve the designs of symbols which we hope will then be shared under an open licence such as the ones developed in the Tawasol symbol set to go with the ARASAAC symbol set.
There follows Instructions relating to the use of symbol voting and other interactions with the Global Symbols website
Ove upute se odnose na sudjelovanje u glasanju o simbolima i drugim interakcijama s web-sjedištem Global Systems
Ова су Упутства у вези са гласањем за симболе и другим интеракцијама са вебсајтом Глобални Симболи
Следват Инструкции, свързани с използването на гласуване със символи и други взаимодействия с уебсайта на Global Symbols